Audio and Video

Avatar Adi Da SamrajThese Discourses on the subject of death are drawn from all the years of Avatar Adi Da's Work. He addresses the fundamental human reality of death from the Perfect Disposition of Absolute Freedom.

Avatar Adi Da offers a way beyond the sorrow of loss, instruction about compassionate and real service to the dying, a profound understanding of fear as well as of the greater process in which death occurs, and the Ultimate Demonstration of What Is, Prior to life and death.

The media files below offer a sampling of the two and one half total hours of video that is available when you purchase the complete DVD.

Video Excerpts from the Easy Death DVD
(uses Flash video)

Play the videoEnglish

Play the videoGerman


From Adidam Podcasting
(uses Flash video)

Note: These three files begin with a similar introduction,
but the material after the introduction is different.

Death and the Purpose of Existence

In this discourse, Adi Da Samraj elaborates on the way that the habits of attention, while alive, determine experience after death.
(audio 34:44)
Play the Audio

Beyond Death, Sorrow, and Loss

Adi Da Samraj responds to a question from a devotee who had lost a grandchild and was asking for some understanding that might ease his sorrow.
(audio 16:53)
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Is 'God' the 'Creator' of Conditions?

To experience conditions, there must be an assumed and separate point-of-view. Adi Da explains that in Seventh Stage Realization, this egoic presumption of point-of-view is transcended. In that case, all conditions and separate 'world' are vanished in Divine Brightness.
(video 7:16)
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More podcasting episodes are available

From The Adidam Revelation Magazine
(requires Real player)

Death and the Afterlife - part 1

In this discourse Avatar Adi Da covers the entire psychic process of death and the afterlife. In this excerpt, He examines the very foundations of human perception, including the Spiritual Source of our consciousness in death as well as in life.
(audio 11:04)
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Death and the Afterlife - part 2

In this excerpt, Adi Da explains that no belief or ordinary knowledge about the death process will grant the ability to remain in the Divine Domain after death — only self-transcending practice grants that possibility.
(audio 5:14)
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The Adidam Revelation Magazine is
available online at

book coverBuy the DVD Easy Death DVD - $29.95
Video Discourses by
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
150 minutes

subtitles in English, French, Italian, German,
Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew

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