How can I prepare for death?
An excerpt from "The Truth About Death" in Easy Death (p. 16)
You should prepare for death as a process of complete surrender and release of all physical, emotional, and mental clinging to the present body-mind, its relations, and this world.
Your death should be a complete release of this present "school" and a complete relinquishment of the present design and content of your conditional self. You should fully consent to die at the moment of death, and so be released toward what is new and awaiting you (above and beyond the "realities" of the present body-mind). Your ability to do this will be either enhanced or limited to the same degree that you are able to surrender while alive in the Divine Love-Bliss-Consciousness That Is Real God.
Therefore, in order for death to be an ecstatic transition for you, you must not only study and prepare for the specific and terminal process of death itself, but (while alive) you must also devote yourself to an ecstatic (or ego-transcending) way of life.
— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
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"Adi Da's Teachings have tremendous significance for humanity. . . . He represents a foundation and a structure for sanity."
— Robert K. Hall, M.D.
psychiatrist; author, Out of Nowhere;
co-founder, The Lomi School and The Lomi Clinic

Easy Death
3rd edition
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
544 Pages Illustrated