What Others Have Said
about Easy Death and Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Adi Da Samraj has spoken directly to the heart of our human situation — the shocking gravity of our brief and unbidden lives. Through his words I have experienced a glimmering of eternal life, and view my own existence as timeless and spaceless in a way that I never have before.
author, Planet Medicine and Embryogenesis

The life and teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj are of profound and decisive spiritual significance at this critical moment in history.
Senior Adviser at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
former Dean of the Carmelite House of Studies, Australia
former Dean of Trinity College, University of Melbourne

I regard Adi Da Samraj as one of the greatest teachers in the Western world today.
Sufi teacher;
author, Chasm of Fire

It is a refreshment at every page to read Easy Death. This may seem paradoxical, in view of the fearful uncertainty with which most Westerners look forward to dying.
But Adi Da Samraj's words about the relation of death to life, love, surrender, and transformation have a clarity of mind and emotion that feels like a fresh breeze.
Director Emeritus,
Center for Applied Psychophysiology,
The Menninger Clinic

It is obvious, from all sorts of subtle details, that he knows what IT's all about . . . a rare being.
author, The Way of Zen and The Wisdom of Insecurity

A great teacher with the dynamic ability to awaken in his listeners something of the Divine Reality in which he is grounded, with which he is identified, and which, in fact, he is.
author, The Golden Dawn
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Easy Death
3rd edition
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
544 Pages Illustrated