What Others Have Said - 3

about Easy Death and Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj and his unique body of teaching work offer a rare and extraordinary opportunity for those courageous students who are ready to move beyond ego and take the plunge into deepest communion with the Absolute. Importantly, the teaching is grounded in explicit discussion of necessary psycho-spiritual evolution and guides the student to self-responsibility and self-awareness.

University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
Director, Complementary Medicine Research Institute,
California Pacific Medical Center

That God can, among other things, actually incarnate in human form once seemed unbelievable to me. But reading the books of Avatar Adi Da obliterated all doubt about the existence of God right now, here on Earth in human form.

psychologist; author, Bridging Heaven and Earth and The Heart of Success

Fly to the side of this God-Man. His Divine Transmission works miracles of change not possible by any other Spiritual means.

author, The Kundalini Experience

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3rd edition
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
544 Pages Illustrated


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