About the Author
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Bootsie's Death
When He was ten years old, Avatar Adi Da discovered his beloved cocker spaniel, Bootsie, dead in the cellar of His parents' house. In response to her death, He was "immediately overcome by terrible grief", and felt that He could not go on living. Having been raised in the Lutheran Christian church, He decided to appeal to God to take His life as well, in two days' time.
As the day approached, Avatar Adi Da began to regret this decision. He felt He wanted to live after all. But breaking an agreement with God was, He felt, not possible, and so He awaited the appointed moment, watching television and trying to relax the rising fear.
When the time passed and He did not die, Avatar Adi Da felt incredible relief and a painful sense of the preciousness of merely being alive. More than that, He came to a conscious understanding of His True Nature, and He saw that He had fallen for an illusion.
Death Does Not Change Fundamental Reality
The loss of Bootsie did not mean an end to life and love as He had presumed. He saw that the despair of loss and separation was actually being superimposed on the "Bright" Divine Reality that He had known from birth, and that death does not change fundamental Reality.
In the hours of waiting for death I was not Awake as the "Bright", the Full Presence of my Being. I was separate from the "Bright", and saw all Love and Light and Freedom of Being as utterly above, apart from me and this world.
Only too late, it seemed to me then, did the shock of what I awaited draw me into that Fullness again.
And I saw that Reality was always already (and, therefore, always presently) Full, and that to seek that Fullness in the symbolic state I was awaiting was to abandon (or to not presume and Enjoy) that always present Fullness in the actual present moment.
— The Knee Of Listening
Easy Death (pp. 12-13)
Knowing this Fundamental Circumstance—the True Condition of our human life—is the basis of Avatar Adi Da's compassionate Communications about death.
Next: Permanent ego-Death

Easy Death
3rd edition
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
544 Pages Illustrated